“Seductive Affiliate Links Turn Ordinary Woman and Man Into Internet Marketing Venus and Adonis…”
by ZetaGecko | Add Your Comments | Humor, Marketing
How's that for a headline? I'm trying out a new sales page for Fast JV with a little more..."spice", shall we say?
Perhaps you've heard of the "AIDA" model of selling, where you first try to grab Attention, then inspire Interest, next arouse Desire, and finally provoke to Action. One popular technique for catching a person's interest before they yawn and click their browser's back button is to tell a story -- something they can relate to and will want to know the end of. If you can get them into the reading groove, you just might be able to carry them along to the end of the page.
While the story in my "seductive" sales letter is not and does not pretend to be a real person's story, I suspect that the subject matter (well, the implied subject matter anyway) may be of interest enough to enough people do the job. We'll see what happens after I've seen enough traffic for a valid split test...