I read an article recently about things you can do when you feel like you're stuck in a rut. Here are a few thoughts:

* First, take a break from the good things in your life. When you come back, you'll be able to appreciate the good aspects of them more. This needn't involve going on a trip -- you can simply take some time to imagine what your life would be like without things like your home, your family, your job, etc. The more vividly you imagine this alternative life, the more "dishabituated" you'll be when you "come back," which will help you see things with new eyes.

* Second, do something for variety. Variety leads to learning, which the article says "induces the most joy in people." The way I think of it, our spirits know that we're in this life to learn and change to become more like God, so anything that brings us closer to our full potential is naturally going to bring joy to the whole soul.

* Third, studies have shown that getting out of your familiar environment (whether something drastic like moving to a new country, or something simple like taking a walk or working away from your usual desk) automatically puts you into a more creative state and makes you better at problem solving.

"Variety is the spice of life." If you don't like spicy food or spicy life, you can keep the spice mild. Just don't banish it completely.