I've noticed over the last few days that one of my sites has been getting hundreds of hits a day from people searching for "katharine mcphee yellow dress". I don't have a site about American Idol, and I've never even typed the words "katharine mcphee" (and the first time I'd even copied and pasted the...
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I've just set up a 7 day email mini-course, 7 ways to turn RSS into R$$. When you register, you also get a free download of CaRP Free, an RSS to HTML converter for your website, and if you stay on the mailing list, updated versions will be sent to you as they're released.
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You've heard of the 5 W's--who, what, when where and why--possibly in relation to writing or analyzing news stories or press releases. The 5 W's are also applicable to choosing keywords and sites for AdWords keyword or site-targeted advertising. For example, considering how these five dimensions relate to potential customers for CaRP (my RSS to...
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Country-by-country censorship online
by ZetaGecko | Business, Internet, Issues/Problems
Ars Technica has an article about an intellectual property case where someone if France sued someone in the U.S. for publishing something that's protected by IP laws in France but not in the U.S. I'm a little torn on cases like this--we don't want other countries imposing their laws on us, but we also don't...
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Death of a Sales Letter
by ZetaGecko | Marketing
Well, the "sales letter" style homepage I tried out for CaRP last month was no Willy Loman, but a statistical analysis of its conversion ratio (page views to downloads of the free version) showed that it didn't perform as well as the page that I'm using right now, and while I don't have stats to...
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Streamlining the checkout process
by ZetaGecko | Marketing, Web Design
A while back, I overhauled my shopping cart system so that it guided the user through the process better. I'll admit that I didn't bother tracking the difference that it made, but my general impression was that the change was for the better. Today, I realized that I could streamline the checkout process further, and...
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Trying out a “sales letter” type webpage
by ZetaGecko | Marketing
When I first started seeing those "sales letter" webpages, I didn't find them very appealing. They're long, often repetetive, don't contain many (if any) links to more information about the product. But apparently, they're very effective. Well, I've finally taken the plunge and ditched (at least temporarily!) as design I really liked on one of...
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30 products with resell rights for $9.95 (currently)
by ZetaGecko | Business
Keith wellman has put together a package of 30 products with resell rights. You can resell them or give them away as bonuses with your products, and many if not all of them can be altered and rebranded. Or of course, you can just read and use them yourself. (At the current price of $9.95,...
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Maximizing your benefit from price increases
by ZetaGecko | Marketing
You may have heard that it's possible, depending on your current price, to increase sales by increasing your price for a product. This is because a higher price suggests that your product is more valuable. "People will sell any old junk for a buck, but who'd charge $50 unless it was really worth something?" If...
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AffiliCloak: Affiliate Link Cloaker
by ZetaGecko | Marketing
While perusing ClickBank today, I came across a program named "Affiliate Link Cloaker". It protects affiliate links from hijackers and the like, preventing the theft of one's affiliate commissions. My first response was to be amazed that anyone could sell such a thing, as easy as it would be to build one. But then, I'm...
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