Calculating numbers using their digits
by ZetaGecko | 2 Comments | Ideas
A while back, I thought of two numbers that can be calculated using their digits: 25 = 52 and 127 = 27-1. Are there any others? At the time, I concluded that there aren't, but I don't remember everything I went through to decide that. For now, I'll record the idea here to ensure it's not forgotten, and maybe return to it later.
May 1st, 2017 at 7:53 pm
I found several more. A few days ago: 1024 = 4^(10/2)
Today: 4096=4^6x9^0, and 8192=2^(9+1)x8
May 1st, 2017 at 8:11 pm
And another (love them powers of 2): 16384=(4/(3-1))^(6+8)