Browser & Screen Resolution Trends
by ZetaGecko | 2 Comments | Internet, Web Design
I just checked the browser and screen resolution stats for and wow, what a surprise!
Firefox is wiping the floor with IE on that domain! One of my other heavily trafficed domains reverses the picture, but another looks almost exactly the same as this.
As recently as January, I was still getting enough visitors at 800x600 that I couldn't widen my layouts, but from the latest numbers, I think I can switch anytime now.
Ah, the sweet smell of progress!
August 25th, 2011 at 10:57 am
Great article. I can't wait until I don't need to worry about 1024x768 anymore. It's a toss up between making your website look good and supporting old hardware.
January 3rd, 2012 at 10:08 am
The browser stats come as no surprise to me, I think Chrome is up and coming more now. Long gone the days of everyone using IE!